Doctor Who: The Pharos Project Podcast
Guerrilla podcasting in a pseudo New Wave Punk Revivalist old-school photocopied ransom note fanzine stylee. Or a clutch of Whovians getting tanked up and whittering about kids TV when they can get themselves organised. Take your pick. WARNING: Contains fruity language.
Pharos Project 86: Merlot on the Prestatyn Express

All 3 Projecteers have survived the SFX Weekender 3. We emerged clutching not only our tattered livers, but also an interview with the wonderful Eve Myles. 

Twitter: @KungFuYoda @Doctor_Vendetta @natalien @beastmasterpete @PharosProject

Facebook: The Pharos Project Group Page


Bad Wilf: @BadWilf @Martyn_Havell

Direct download: Pharos_Project_86__Merlot_on_the_Prestatyn_Express.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:33am PDT