Wed, 29 September 2010
As a bonus episode, we present our first stab at a commentary. Paul and the Beastmaster attempt to talk all the way through the infamous series 2 episode "Love and Monsters". Let us know if its any good, we have no idea.
Direct download: Pharos_Project_24__Love_and_Monsters_Commentary.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:40am PDT |
Tue, 28 September 2010
Ah Rose, the episode that signalled the birth of nu Who. It lit the eternal fire that is Who fandom under many a child's bum, re-lit that same fire in lapsed fans the world over and inspired geeks to embrace the podcast. Now listen to us rip the shit out of it. Happy days. |
Tue, 28 September 2010
The much delayed episode 22 is finally here. This time, we focus our attention on 6th Doctor story "Revelation of the Daleks". Due to our ongoing inability to manipulate time, this podcast is going out almost raw. Only a light sprinkle of editing has been applied. So expect none of our usual fancy tricks and sweet sherries. Not that we really do those anyway, but still. |
Mon, 13 September 2010
And so we come to the 96 TV movie. Note how we fail to get excited by this Marvel at how it quickly descends into an argument. Wonder at how many times Chris says "anyway", to drag us back on subject, and sounds more annoyed every time. We all went off to play drunken Singstar after this, stay tuned for a couple of really awful clips of that afterwards.
Direct download: Pharos_Project_21__Half_Human_My_Arse.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:30am PDT |
Sat, 4 September 2010
It's the Manimal special! This week we have a bumper news section. We give our mini reviews of "Scott Pilgrim vs the World" and "Monsters". But in the main event, we suckle at the teat of Manimal. Yes, we are still a Doctor Who podcast but we had a brilliant email from a listener that ties Manimal into the Whoniverse. Unfortunately we couldn't read it out because we lost it (please email it again and we'll read it next week). WARNING: When we say skip on 1 minute to avoid a spoiler, best to make it 2. |