Doctor Who: The Pharos Project Podcast
Guerrilla podcasting in a pseudo New Wave Punk Revivalist old-school photocopied ransom note fanzine stylee. Or a clutch of Whovians getting tanked up and whittering about kids TV when they can get themselves organised. Take your pick. WARNING: Contains fruity language.
Pharos Project 170: A Momentary Lapse of Treason

This week. It's been an historic week for Doctor Who, culminating in a world record simulcast of the 50th anniversary special. Recorded shortly after transmission, the Projecteers are joined by special guest Kyle Anderson, live in Pharos Towers for the first (and hopefully not last) time, as we give our initial thoughts on "The Day of the Doctor". 

Twitter: @PharosProject @FunctionalNerd @Doctor_Vendetta @Spurt_Russell


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Direct download: Pharos_Project_170__A_Momentary_Lapse_of_Treason.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:12am PDT

Pharos Project 169: Get Your Spectrox Off

This week. We continue our look at some of our favourite Doctor Who stories. Pete had a vague memory of a 5th Doctor story he enjoyed, so we naturally convinced him it must be "The Caves of Androzani".

Also, we have a gander at that minisode that came out this week.

Twitter: @PharosProject @Doctor_Vendetta @beastmasterpete @Spurt_Russell




Direct download: Pharos_Project_169__Get_Your_Spectrox_Off.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:02pm PDT

Pharos Project 168: Unlimited Rice Pudding

This week, with the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who fast approaching, we begin a look at some of our favourite stories of old. Mr Chris gets first crack, so naturally selects something from the 7th Doctor's era. Remembrance of the Daleks.

Twitter: @PharosProject @Doctor_Vendetta @beastmasterpete @Spurt_Russell




Direct download: Pharos_Project_168__Unlimited_Rice_Pudding.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:44am PDT