Doctor Who: The Pharos Project Podcast
Guerrilla podcasting in a pseudo New Wave Punk Revivalist old-school photocopied ransom note fanzine stylee. Or a clutch of Whovians getting tanked up and whittering about kids TV when they can get themselves organised. Take your pick. WARNING: Contains fruity language.
Pharos Project 30: When There's no More Room in Hull...

It's time for some good nu Who as we tackle "The Unquiet Dead".

We would love to have some more feedback at

Includes a promo for the Tin Dog podcast, listen to it, its un-poo.


Direct download: Pharos_Project_30__When_Theres_no_More_Room_in_Hull....mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:18pm PDT

Pharos Project 29: In the Boudoir of Miss Timelash

The Projecteers tackle the almost universally hated "Timelash".

A new feature in created in "Our Balls".

News is presented for the first time with a correctly played kazoo.

It's just a big argument disguised as a podcast.

Send feedback to

Especially Mp3 as it means less work for us.

Direct download: Pharos_Project_29__In_the_Boudoir_of_Miss_Timelash.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:23pm PDT

Pharos Project 28: Cyberwoman Commentary

We done watching and talking!

The Three Projecteers present a commentary on the 1st season Torchwood episode "Cyberwoman". An episode specifically designed to excite the hidden pervert in us all.

Warning: This podcast contains the phrase "robotic humper".

Direct download: Pharos_Project_28__Cyberwoman_Commentary.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:23pm PDT