Doctor Who: The Pharos Project Podcast
Guerrilla podcasting in a pseudo New Wave Punk Revivalist old-school photocopied ransom note fanzine stylee. Or a clutch of Whovians getting tanked up and whittering about kids TV when they can get themselves organised. Take your pick. WARNING: Contains fruity language.
Pharos Project 122: The Palance of Terror

This week, we look at 1980 shitfest "Hawk the Slayer". Jack Palance puts on a helmet, Christian Shephard from Lost gets a green "nut grab", sword and everyone else pretends they're in a good film. Classic.

Twitter: @natalien @Doctor_Vendetta @beastmasterpete @KungFuYoda @PharosProject

Facebook: Group. Still there. Join.


Direct download: Pharos_Project_122__The_Palance_of_Terror.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:56am PDT

Pharos Project 121: High Moon

This week, we are joined by Other Chris from The Eleventh Hour Podcast, as we look at 1981 Sean Connery space adventure "Outland".

To celebrate the advent of Children in Need, Paul records his audio from a tin bath full of Baked Beans. Not that we cocked up and had the mic the wrong way round and forgot to activate the rear pick up. We would never do that. Honest.

Twitter @cjjc @Doctor_Vendetta @beastmasterpete @KungFuYoda @PharosProject @EHPodcast

Facebook: The Friendly Pharos Project Group Page


Direct download: Pharos_Project_121__High_Moon.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:49am PDT

Pharos Project 120: The Importance of Being Ernst

This week, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the James Bond movies.We enlist our good friend Kyle Anderson of the WTF Are You Watching Podcast, as we step through the ages of Bond and look at 4 films from the franchise.

Twitter: @FunctionalNerd @KungFuYoda @Doctor_Vendetta @beastmasterpete @PharosProject

Facebook: The Pharos Project Group Page Thingy


Direct download: Pharos_Project_120__The_Importance_of_Being_Ernst.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:34am PDT