Fri, 30 December 2011
It's time for the annual Christmas party at Pharos Towers, so we thought we might as well review this year's festive episode of Doctor Who while we're at it. A slightly more alcohol fuelled show than usual, including cracker pulling, present giving, podcast charades and firing party poppers at a ukulele. Twitter: @KungFuYoda @Doctor_Vendetta @beastmasterpete @natalien @PharosProject Facebook: The Pharos Project Group Page. Email:
Direct download: Pharos_Project_81__Naturally_Occurring_Baubles.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:58am PDT |
Tue, 20 December 2011
This week, the Projecteers cast a critical eye on "The Keeper of Traken", as selected from Manilow's bag by Mr Steven Schapansky (, listen and buy stuff from the store because we're hoping to be put on commission). Also, Invisible Pete makes a welcome return, with a special Christmas message. Twats: @natalien @KungFuYoda @Doctor_Vendetta @beastmasterpete @PharosProject FriendFace: The super lovely Pharos Project group page. Join, and you are automatically removed from our "Kill when we come to power", list. shEmail:
Direct download: Pharos_Project_80__Keeping_up_with_the_Prydonians.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:22am PDT |
Tue, 13 December 2011
It's the final part of our Star Wars trilogy. In this episode, we focus on possibly the best thing to ever come from the Star Wars films. The toys. Featuring contributions from Nancy from The Happiness Patrol, Phill from Who's He Podcast and an interview with Shane Turgeon by Radio Free Skaro's own Steven Schapansky. Twitter: @natalien @KungFuYoda @beastmasterpete @Doctor_Vendetta @PharosProject Email: Facebook: The Pharos Project group page (special offer, join now and we will personally insult you for free). Our Guests, @twillian @Whos_He_Podcast @Legopolis Steven's Falcon raising photo series: |
Mon, 5 December 2011
In part two of our very own Star Wars Trilogy, the Projecteers brave the Great Pit of Carkoon. Well, watching the prequels again does at points resemble being slowly digested over a 1000 years. No Star Wars music this week, instead the tracks featured combine to form a coded message to George Lucas. See if you can decipher it's complex meaning! Twitter: @KungFuYoda @natalien @beastmasterpete @Doctor_Vendetta @PharosProject Facebook: The Pharos Project group page. if you don't join, we'll come to your house and explain (at length) why sand is rough and course. Email: |